thebirds-islandThe Bird Islands which are an official bird sanctuary located one mile off Cape Dauphin are two islands called Hertford and Ciboux and are home to a great number of sea birds each year. Donelda’s Puffin Boat Tours offers a full 2.5 hour bird watching experience where you can look along the rugged seacoast for species that do not nest at the Bird Islands and then be amazed with all the seabirds when we arrive at the Islands.

Birds usually seen on the way to and from the Islands: Bald Eagles, Artic Terns, Common Loons, Common Eiders, White-winged and Surf Scoters, Red-breasted Mergansers, Belted Kingfishers, Great Blue Heron.

When you’re not busy viewing birds you’ll be capitivated with the spectacular rugged coastline and maybe even a whale!

Atlantic Puffin

Puffin Runway

Bald Eagle with Breakfast

Black Guillemots

Atlantic Puffin - Clown of the Sea

Great Cormorant Airing Out

Razorbill Colony

Razorbill Pair

Seals Sunning

Grey Seals Rock Surfing

Seal Having a Look

Puffin Taking Shelter

Puffins Grazing in the Grass

Atlantic Puffin Season
May-Early June Nesting so sightings can be low
Mid June to Early August Sightings are high
Mid to Late August Getting ready to head out to sea and the numbers will be dropping until they have all left
September They are all back at sea
Other sea birds and seals Mid-May to late August
Black Guillemot May to mid September
Razorbill May to early August
Great Cormorant May to mid September
Double-crested Cormorants May to mid September
Herring Gull May to September
Black-legged Kittiwake May to mid July
Ruddy Turnstones June to August
Bald Eagles May to September
Grey Seals – the favourite of young and old! – at the islands mid June to late October